Welcome to califasculture.com. here you will find a collection of photos and other forms of media that represent who i am, where i come from and what i believe in. everything you see will be an extension of myself, know that it was placed here with thought and painstaking attention to detail. the name Califas Culture came to me in a vision, as a title to a photo book that i will be publishing, and as a way to describe my style of street photography that is heavily influenced by my place of birth. it will serve as a glimpse into how i perceive the world and the things that shaped me as a chicano youth growing up in southern california. you’ll see every side to that. the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, and everything in-between. its not meant to glorify or bring shame, it is simply to educate and bring light to things that others may not know about, or that others from similar backgrounds can relate to. this website is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother, whom i never got to meet. i believe we share a special connection that has followed me since my conception. our birthdays are the reverse of each other, hers being July 13th and mine being July 31st, (hence the website launch date). i have always felt her presence in my life and i know that she has been a source of protection for various situations i have found myself in. i hope that through my work i can serve as a portal of inspiration and passion to others, something that i believe stems from who my grandmother was as a person while she was alive. I thank you for taking the time to read this. i wish you all who visit this site nothing but happiness, peace within yourself, and prosperity within the world.
– Califas